Advisory services on wage strategy
Fair Wage will be ready to provide upon demand any advisory services under the form of calls, meetings, workshops, and training.
The FWN provides a diversified list of possible support activities:
Providing your company the necessary support in its living wage journey:
• Discussion on the living wage strategy: criteria, timing, internal/external communication, etc.
• Discussion on living wage criteria and wage components (basic wage, bonuses, benefits, etc.) to be compared to the living wage.
• Discussions on the overall wage strategy: not only on the living wage, but also on wage practices that contribute to the living wage objective.
• Benchmarking to market rates.
• Analysis of the gender pay gap.
• Review of pay systems, wage adjustment mechanisms, communication and social dialogue.
FWN has helped major brands design and deliver their strategies, including UNILEVER (Fair Compensation strategy), IKEA (Responsible wage policies), H&M (Fair Living Wage strategy), Barclays Bank (Fair Pay policy), Heineken (Fair Wage strategy), LVMH (Fair Wage Framework) and AstraZeneca (Fair Wage policy). All these strategies incorporated or retained the 12 dimensions of the Fair Wage approach and benefitted from our advice in terms of defining their strategy, implementing it and then monitoring it within their supply chains. We can convene forums for sharing best practices, case studies and research.
Communication and Stakeholder Engagement:
We have learnt that collecting and analysing data is just the start of the journey towards living and fair wages. Securing internal alignment, and communicating that to all internal and external stakeholders represents a major pillar of your strategy. We can help you to define and develop the strategy, roll-out and stakeholder engagement.
• Internally: Making sure all departments (Comp&Ben, Human Resources, Procurement, Sustainability, Finance, Communications, Marketing, etc.) are aligned on the living wage strategy and ready to accept their respective roles and responsibilities.
• Externally: The Fair Wage Network participates in key forums discussing, coordinating and developing living wage methodologies. We can provide an interface between your company’s living wage ambition and major stakeholders.
Living Wage validation and certification
If the living wage gap analysis carried out by the FWN reveals that 100% of your workers are already paid at or above the living wage -or if after such analysis you were able to remediate to fill the living wage gap- you could be qualified for the living wage certification.
This will require a quick validation survey among a representative sample of workers in your company and entities. We will ask you to share a list of employees so that we can send them a link (or QR code) to allow them to fill a quick survey online (10 mns maximum to be filled) in their own language.
The validation is done on 5-10% of your entities and the costs for L’Oréal suppliers is 600 Euros for each entity.
Once the surveys confirm that there is no worker reporting a wage below the living wage, FWN can then confirm the Living Wage certification to your company as a Living Wage employer that you can then use for marketing and reputational purposes.
L’Oréal became certified as a living wage employer for its own employees at the end of 2022.
Living Wage Gap Analysis
• Defining the criteria for the living wage gap analysis
• The brand provides the individual wage data for the selected markets to allow the FWN to conduct a living wage gap analysis for each selected company.
• Deep dive into the individual wage data in order to obtain an overview of the global situation and the eventual living wage gap by individual companies and markets. This will identify:
• the eventual extent in percentage terms of the gap between the average wage and the living wage benchmark by individual company and overall;
• the percentage of workers who fall below the living wage benchmark;
• the categories of workers most at risk who continue to fall below the living wage.